A freelance product design chief, Visual artist, and coder based in Lisbon.
I craft tools for code people and help product teams chain their creative efforts into long-lasting strategies.

I have been fortunate to work with:


"...I can recommend Avin for any type of digital design project, especially ones that are difficult to crack and require good conceptual understanding and original, out of the box thinking."

Nitzan Volman, Head of Taboola Labs at Taboola

"Avin developed our Product Design System, which helped us revamp our products and have a better alignment across the offering... He always does things professionally, creatively, and with enthusiasm."

Itay Levin, Design lead at HCL AppScan

“I have referred other colleagues of mine to Avin, and intend to keep working with him in the future.”

Guy Atzmon, VP Creative, SundaySky

"Avin is very creative, an expert in his field, and fun to work with. I would highly recommend working with him.”

Yair Greenbaum, Akami Technologies

Product Design

HCL AppScan Design System

Zerto Mobile app ( iOS | Android ):

SAST Retrospective tool

Creative Coding

Controling GLSL shaders with CSS

See the Pen CSS-to-GLSL by Avin Vadas (@avinvadas) on CodePen.

This case study contains a walk through with takeaways on both design and dev aspects, along with live-coded samples for experimentation.
To Experiment with the embedded pen:

1. Go to Codepen,
2. Fork a version of the pen, so you can edit and save
3. Change the values of CSS vars under ‘MAIN CSS VARS FOR UPDATE:‘ comment (Colors, etc.)
4. Save the pen and Refresh the page to see the results.

Photo by Joakim Nådell on Unsplash


a Design System is also about products that don’t adopt it. Read article.

Set nested 3D assets to respond to UI updates

Beyond consistency, a design system is also a facilitator of change

The underlying design split we often overlook

Content patterns can take us a long way.

Mental Models talk at Startup Lisboa

Public speaking

Mental Models talk at Startup Lisboa

Mental-Models and Journey maps are significant, live layers to base on when planning a design infrastructure, apart from their essential basics for studying the people who use our products.
This short talk is about the what, the why, and a tiny bit of the how.

Visual Art

Light Documentations

Drawings from observation 2014-24, Online exhibition.


Graphic novel, Coming soon.